
Wednesday, 9 December 2020

SLJ Starter Activity

                                Hi bloggers

Today I did this cool thing called Summer Learning Journey I did my onen artwork here is a the real one and my one . Here it is the names are arts name is Big Ben. The Artist,s name is Augustus Pugin.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020


                                 Hi Bloggers 

Today I am going talk about my kitten Poppy. she came to school for pet day so everyone can come and see her . She is a ragdoll cat. She is white and her ears are different color like her tail.Her eyes are a pretty blue color here is a photo of Poppy.

By Lilly


Tuesday, 17 November 2020


                                         Hi Bloggers 

Today I am going to talk about Holes. We have been reading a book called Holes. You dig holes at a place called Green Lake. It said that hundreds of years ago there was water there. But now there is no water there any water more. The kids who were there each had a place for them to sleep. They all had names A B C D E and sometimes F. There was a boy called Stanley. Stanley fand a fosle in his hole and he had to reaportit it. Stanley had to send a card to his mother so she new he was ok.

From Lilly

Tuesday, 10 November 2020


                                                     Hi Bloggers

Today I am talking about softball. We played a game with softball gloves. We had to have the hand with the glove up high to catch the ball. Then on to the ground so we had to roll the ball on the ground to catch the ball.We hit 3 balls on a stand and on the third hit we had to run on all the basis before all 3 balls were back on the cones.bye From Lilly

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

farm trip

                                       Hi bloggers

Today I am talking about our farm trip. There were two men there researching about the waimak river. The two men's names were Geg and Mark.  We all road in a trailla for a bit it was so fun and the cows were mooing at us.bye bloggers


Monday, 26 October 2020

What Is Media

Lots of people don’t no what media is well I can fix that.Media can pass information and can be Video games, Television, Billboards, Websites, Signs, Magazines  Movies,Shop fronts Bus shelter ads, Radio, Brochures, Posters, Newspapers and Banners.So Media is lots of stuff.bye bloggers

Tuesday, 20 October 2020


                                                 Hi Bloggers 

Today I am talking about Reading on Wednesday the 21 of October. On reading I had a lot to do and worked and worked  and then I finished then me and my group played a literacy game and  I won the game and I was so happy with myself. Bye bloggers.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Harold the giraffe

Hi bloggers.Have you ever heard of Harold the giraffe? He is just a giraffe puppet but he is really funny. Here is a screencastify about Harold and I will put in a photo. Have you ever seen Harold the giraffe?bye

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

My speech video

Hi bloggers i am going to show you my speech video and now you can actually see my speech  and i feat nevis it was so scary up on the stage in fruit of harf of the class have you ever done a speech be for? bye for now bloggers.

Monday, 31 August 2020

A Speech Book Creator

 On Tuesday 2020 we did our speech  mine is really cool bloggers  I might be able to video it for you guys 

 you can see what we have been learning about in writing by going to this page.  

In cybersmart we have been using book creator in our speech Book Creator

Please leave a comment

Bye for now!

From Lilly 


Tuesday, 25 August 2020

book creator

                                                                 Hi bloggers
I have a new book creator.It is in the one that says my speech in a book creator those that have all that have seen it i will give you a link but you can make your own.You click a new book and here's a link to book creator on book creator there is a place  sin and you can record your voice and you can put in shape's in book creator bye.  

Monday, 24 August 2020

My speech in a Book Creator

 Today we made our  speech into a Book Creator 

I like it because it is cool 

Here is a link to what I did.Book Creator

Tuesday, 18 August 2020


 Hi bloggers we've been doing our speeches on our speech sheet  and then we write it in our literature book   and we've been do it sins Monday the 16th. My speech is about being the prime Minister  and my speech is excellent.On Thursday the 20th of August we are doing our speeches. I wish you could hear  my speech you wood have liked it  bye. Have you ever done a speech?                                                                                            

Monday, 17 August 2020

Book creator

 What  I know about  Book creator:

you can do anything you want on book Book creator you can put shapes and draw in it it is amazing

Here is the link to a book I created.   

have you ever  been on book creator?

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

De Bono's 6 thinking hats

                                                                        Hi Bloggers
I'm talking about Edward De Bono's six thinking hats.We've worked on that for a couple of days now have you heard of Edward De Bono he is the one that created the six thinking hats we watched a video about Edward De Bono and the six thinking hats bye bloggers.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020


                                                               Hi bloggers
Because I'm talking about a cross-country poster but some of as  not on it i'm sure you have seen  my blog post about cross-country just a bit different let me give you the poster so that then I can can you show you my poster.


Tuesday, 21 July 2020

cross country

On Tuesday we did cross country we only had to do one lap for the year 4s and the year 5 only had to do 2 laps. Then we had to go out of the school, people showed us around so that we were safe. We went to domain by the school it's just like 30 feet away. There were people by the side to help us know where to go. There was a rope and I fell over the rope but I kept going anyway. I came 8th place and I felt breathless.

Thank you for reading.                                                 

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

starter sticks

                                                                     Hi bloggers
 I will be showing you about statistics it's about colours and tele charts it is really fun you should try it.  How much people like it and you can include other colours if you like.Have you tried it bye.
From Lilly

Tuesday, 23 June 2020


Hi bloggers has been doing something tastic work this week and I want to show it to you it



Tuesday, 16 June 2020


Hey guys I'm blogging about my math. we are opening a shop of stuff we can biy with the money. We have money so other kids can biy and we can biy too. Good bye.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

10 minit puicwrit

                                                                                                                                                                     Hi bloggers you can see this thing I have made it is from canva here is a link canva you click create a design and poster ok by.                                                                 

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Pen masic

I am blogging about music I have a music video that I may d and I won't to sere it with you and it will sand great and you will love it and I love it to it  sans beautiful kay

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Home school

Hi bloggers , 
I'm  blogging about home school . It was different because i'm not at the school tables because were in ure beds now and it is more comfortable than school.  A school we are with are terchis and at home we are with are mum and dad and we are doin cooll creashins  and at home we are  playing  and watching TV. At school we are working.  

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

We have been learning about screencastify

Hi bloggers  i had a  fantastic day because  my sister had a school visit and my mum be for lunch break but i still had a great day and my sister always.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Math work.

Hello Bloggers, today i've learnt about counting  back from 20. Do you no what  comes before 101? Do you no how to count from 20 ? if you no how to count down from 20 leave a comment down below and tell me please  and do you know how you count back from 20?
From Lilly

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

One dog and his

Hi bloggers  I am talking about one dog and his boy if you don't no one dog and his boy I will show you bloggers  this is it  bloggers if you are on my  blog make sure you cheek all my blog post please.

Monday, 24 February 2020

car ride with Miss Morgan

We have been learning how to make an animation before.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Te Mahuri 2020

Welcome back to 2020 we have new teachers this year we have new math whizz we also have witdtabils and we have movd class but we are still in Te Mahuri. My goal as a Year 4 is to answer all my questions in reading and Look at this creative Blog.